How to Get Out of a Slump & Into the Best Shape of Your Life
Ever find yourself in a slump? (or in one now?) Here’s a trick for turning it around
Confession: I was in a big-time slump over this past year.
But, this weekend I’m about to participate in a fitness showcase after making a decision, a little over 4 months ago, to turn my slump into a triumph.
I’ve been keeping quiet about it, silently working my butt off to build my strength back up after going through a difficult year that turned my strong mom-arms into limp noodles.
And I’m finally ready to share this journey with you – because it’s not just my body that’s become stronger.
The decision to enter this showcase came from a loud and clear inner knowing that I needed to make difficult shifts in my life. Shifts that would require more inner strength than I’ve ever needed before.
So I started with my physical strength – far easier to map out a plan for than for mental or emotional strength.
But because I’m keenly aware of the mind-body connection, I knew that the outer would inevitably affect the inner.
And I was right.
I’m heading into this weekend not only in the best shape of my life, but proud of the strides I’ve been able to make in my life and my business because of building up my inner strength simultaneously while building up to this event.
And the best part?
My 8-year-old daughter’s been watching:
- Watching me do the strenuous strength training that she saw was tough in the moment but which she later related to my ability to piggy-back her down a mountain trail.
- Watching me go through ALL the emotions while making very uncomfortable and challenging transitions in my life but which she now associates with the reward of more peace and harmony in our day-to-day.
- Watching me practice my posing and turning (reviving memories of my teen modelling years), with head high, shoulders back, and leading with my heart – which she thoroughly enjoys critiquing and showing me how to do it better 🙂
So. This fitness event was never just about the fitness.
It was about practicing what I preach:
Knowing that my body is my vessel for carrying me through this life; and if I had allowed it to remain weak, tired and low in energy, I wouldn’t have been able to move forward the way I have.
Having a milestone is key!
This event, the Be Amazing Showcase in Charlotte, NC, has simply given me a milestone to shoot for – a positive focus to work toward – and has kept me accountable to nurturing this vessel in the best way I know how.
And I LOVE what this event represents: a celebration of women’s transformations.
There’s no judging!
Nope, just a bunch of amazing women walking the stage to celebrate what health means to us and to embrace our grace and femininity in the process.
It’s the first event of its kind (that I know of), and I’m super excited and proud to be a part of it.
But here’s why I really wanted to share this with you:
I want you to know that if you’re finding yourself in a slump of ANY kind – in overwhelm, frustration, or just feeling plain stuck in life – I’m absolutely certain that what I’ve learned through my own journey can help you too.
Here’s how you can start to pull out of your slump:
Using your body as a vehicle for change
Truth: When faced with challenges in our lives, we often know WHAT we need to build on mentally and emotionally to overcome them, but it’s the HOW that overwhelms us.
Sometimes we see that there’s so far to go, so many steps to take, that we don’t even know where to start. That’s certainly how I was feeling four months ago.
Because there’s no clear, direct pathway to building emotional and mental wellbeing! It’s an elaborate journey to navigate.
Physical self-care, on the other hand, is much clearer – and by far the easiest to start with because we can follow clear guidance and plans, usually with tangible results fairly quickly (think fitness, nutrition, hydration, sleep…)
But for the outer physical results to stick, the inner qualities have got to be building at the same time!
So, whatever it is that you’re looking to change in your life, it’s important to identify what inner qualities you want to build, and then find an activity that can support you physically in building it mentally.
For example…
If you crave more balance or inner peace in your life – you could sign up for a yoga challenge.
…Or if you want more clarity and focus – you could join a community or challenge that’s committed to a period of clean eating and/or cleansing.
…Or if want more courage – you could sign up for a physical challenge that feels scary to you, such as a rock-climbing venture.
The more specific you are about WHY you want to build these traits (by being clear on what you want to create or change in your life), the more motivation you will have to stay committed to the physical challenge.
I’m 100% confident this strategy works if you get really clear on your WHY.
Here’s another personal example:
When I started writing my book, which I knew was going to be a lengthy process requiring endurance, persistence, and patience, I registered for my first marathon – and trained for it as I wrote.
Not coincidentally, I submitted my manuscript to my editor within 3 weeks of running the race.
And I should add, for this strategy to be most effective, it’s important that you establish these 3 things:
- a milestone to strive for,
- a specific plan to achieve it, and
- a support network in place.
Meaningful motivation
I share my personal examples with you because they illustrate how you can approach your physical health goals from a much more powerful motivation – and stick to them!
When you have a more meaningful goal driving your desire to get healthy – more than simply to ‘lose weight’, or ‘get a six-pack’ – this generates motivation from a completely different place:
Motivation that comes from your heart, not your head
You’ll find that you actually WANT to take steps toward reaching that health goal, rather than feeling like you ‘SHOULD’.
Big difference.
Rather than simply going through the motions, you’ll be consciously nurturing and building the desired qualities in your physical body, which will inevitably transfer to your inner world.
Because once you’ve set and conquered a physical health goal, there’s no way that it won’t transform your inner – and outer – world too.

Let’s hear from you!
What changes do you want to make in your life? What inner qualities do you need to build up to be able to take the steps you need to get there? What activity comes to mind as the means to build them?
Let me know in the comments below!
Want to learn more about how to build long-term lifestyle changes with ease – and without dieting or deprivation?
Grab a copy of my book Finding Your Forever Body (on Amazon, Indigo, or Barnes & Noble)!
Or if you want even more personalized guidance to kickstart the changes you want to make, book a free 45-minute Confidence Kickstart Call with me to get the clarity you need and see if you’re a fit for my Self-Care Success Formula program.
Remember: When you shine your gifts, you define your beauty.