
Finding Your Forever Body

Move over Bikini Body. Meet Your Forever Body!

Finding Your Forever Body bookFinding Your Forever Body offers a practical yet transformative approach to help readers develop an entirely new mindset, along with a new set of tools. This book is must-read for anyone who’s been on the diet cycle for many exhausting years!”

~ Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author of “Chicken Soup for the Woman & Soul” and “Happy for No Reason”;

91 percent of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting as a means to correct whatever it is they think needs fixing.

Are you one of them?

The weight-loss industry is a 55-billion- dollar industry. Please let that sink in for a moment… 55-BILLION DOLLARS!

Given that diets don’t work (well, not for us anyway…but they sure do work for growing weight-loss industry!), it’s time for a new, refreshing approach.

Imagine the emotional freedom of breaking the vicious diet cycle. Of never again having to count, measure or obsess over your food…of never again worrying about your changing or fixing your body for swimsuit season, an upcoming event, or for loving what you see in the mirror each day…

THAT’s a Forever Body.

And Finding Your Forever Body is your “body-love GPS” to help you get there.


YOU, Beautiful You

You, Beautiful You bookThis catchy and uplifting poem is the perfect way to remind children (including our inner children!) ofthe true definition of beauty.

With illustrations created by children themselves, and a list of questions and ideas to start a fun and engaging conversation, it will help your child to process and “download” this body-positive message into their subconscious.

Imagine if your child could grow up with a healthy sense of self-esteem to shine their awesomeness unapologetically in the face of societal and media pressures to meet unrealistic beauty standards. That’s what the message in this book aims to do; to help lay this foundation.

With current statistics showing that

  • Four out of ten 1st-3rd grade girls want to be thinner,
  • 81% of 10-year- old girls are afraid of being fat, and
  • Over half of all teenagers are, or think they should be, on a diet…

…now is the time to start sharing a different kind of message with our children:

One that will allow them to separate their size from their self-worth and to feel beautiful in their unique bodies, by recognizing their inner beauty and gifts from as early an age as possible and being the most authentic version of themselves.

Currently available in eBook format on Amazon:

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