5 Simple & Powerful Ways to Put a “Spring” Back in Your Step

March 30, 2017

Are you patiently waiting for spring weather to give you a boost?

Well stop waiting, Beautiful!

Instead, use these tips to help you feel light and energized – no matter what’s happening outside.


 Spring, spring, oh, where art thou spring?

Though spring “officially” started this month, over in my neck of the woods, it still seems to be undecided. We’ve just had one of the harshest winters in decades here (northern Vancouver Island, BC):

More snow days than any working parent would find ideal…unseasonably low temps…and my daughter Eve has brought home more cold and flu bugs in the past 4 months than she has in the past 7 years! (some of which even I couldn’t thwart off, which is a rare occurrence).

Thankfully, we’re starting to get some glimpses of sunshine here and there, but, considering that this time last year, we were running barefoot on the beach (one of the reasons I’ve chosen to live here!), it’s been difficult to stay upbeat through the end of this particularly long, cold season.

Yes, it’s been a crappy winter to say the least, but, having grown up in Ontario where this kind of weather is no big deal and we’d always expect at least one last good dump of snow well into April, I’ve managed to collect some tricks over the years to put a bounce back in my step before the weather actually caught up to the official season.

And I’ve definitely needed to put them to good use this year!

Though I’ve been using these for several years now, I’m always pleasantly surprised of their effects on my mood, energy and motivation, no matter how dark or wet or cold it is outside. These tricks help to catapult me out of hibernation mode, and make me much less dependent on the weather for a natural spring boost.

Are you feeling the effects of a lagging winter too?

If you can’t wait to get that “spring” back in your step, give these 5 tried-and-true tricks a try:

1. Cleanse your body.

After a long winter, which is usually accompanied by heavier, more warming and comforting foods (a natural side-effect of eating with the seasons, and not necessarily a bad thing!), one of the best things we can do for our energy and vitality is to give our hard-working organs and cells some TLC.

Cleansing can mean different things to different people, but one of my personal favourite ways to do this is with herbal supplements and intermittent fasting that helps to restore all my hard-working organs and cells to their full capacity.

Some may prefer a more subtle approach, like making a commitment to drinking more water and eating more raw, fresh foods. Others may choose to get serious about sweating it out for a month or so, like through regular intense or hot yoga, or infra-red sauna therapy. And if cleansing is totally new to you, you may want to seek the advice of a qualified naturopath, herbalist or nutritionist to assist you.

Whatever technique you choose (and stick to!), I guarantee you’ll feel a natural lift.

2. Clean out your bathroom drawer (or cupboard).

Why the bathroom drawer, and not the kitchen cupboards or fridge? Because this is not an official “spring clean” – those are usually tedious, more time-consuming tasks, that don’t always give you a lift until they’re done.

What I’ve found with cleaning out the bathroom drawer, however, is that it always gives me a huge lift! It also generates a “make room for the new” kind of feeling…

I don’t know about you, but I have a general love of “product”: skin care, bath and hair products, makeup and fun tools to apply them all. And because of this, products – particularly the ones that I haven’t loved but couldn’t bear to throw them out – tend to collect over the years in one big drawer.

So, one thing I find so liberating to do is to clean it out, throw out the old/expired stuff and stuff I won’t end up using (and to be honest with myself about that!), simplify my routine, and make room for new, awesome (natural) products in my life.

Summer is a time when many of us like to ease up on the makeup, tie the hair back, and head out the door “au naturel”, so spring is the perfect time to prepare for this and simplify.

If you haven’t done a bathroom drawer cleaning for a while, trust me, this will put a spring in your step for sure – especially when you see how much room it creates for whatever you want to treat yourself to next!

3. Buy something new for your home.

When we buy a new piece of clothing or a new pair of shoes, this can give us a boost for a short time. But what I find with a new item for the home, is that it continues to bring me joy for weeks, months and even years to come!

One single item, if chosen and positioned right, can completely change the look and feel of a room – and increase the positive flow of energy in your home.

This can be anything, really. This year, I bought myself a new duvet cover – which has completely changed the look and feel of my bedroom, and has inspired so many creative ideas to develop the room’s new look even further. Exciting stuff!

But it doesn’t even have to be that big or significant of an item. It can be a small vase, a plant, a piece of art, new throw pillows, anything that adds a splash of colour, or even a picture frame in which you can prominently display a joyful picture.

You’ll find that one new item can cause a domino effect in what you can do for your home’s energy – like a change in furniture arrangement, paint colour, or it may simply give you new motivation for that (dreaded) spring clean!

4. Sign up for a new class or challenge.

Spring is a great time to try something new – whether it’s taking on a physical fitness challenge, refining a hobby, or learning a new skill, spring is the simply the best time to get committed because it’s typically a time when we’re itching to “get back out there” and DO something! After months of enjoying curling up on the couch in the evenings with a warm drink and my duvet, I’m always raring to go by spring.

Winter is a time for rest and reflection, and spring is a time to take action!

Spring is when I registered for my marathon last year, and this spring, I’ve committed to launching my book and a follow-up support program – both which require me to build up my knowledge of technology, so I’m diving into some practical training right now. And learning totally fires me up!

What “new” challenge could you take on to get yourself in motion? I find that making a firm commitment, like registering for a class, rather than simply stating I’m going to do something, makes it far more likely that I’ll follow through.

Maybe it’s a fitness challenge, a health program, a cooking class, or some other “how to” course that speaks to you. If there’s something you’ve been itching to do for a while, capitalize on the wonderful renewed energy of spring and sign up for it now (or asap).

5. Fill a box of old items and donate it.

There is something so satisfying about filling an entire box of old, gently used items that are no longer serving you – and passing them along so that someone else can make great use of them.

It also feels great to know that by donating them, you’re not only simplifying and clearing the clutter from your life, but you’re contributing to a cause too.

I especially love to do this with clothing, shoes and kitchen items (I happen to love shopping for my kitchen, so there’s always something old to “let go” of in this department). Here’s my criteria for what goes in the box:

  • I haven’t used it in the past 6 months
  • I won’t use it in the next 6 months
  • It has zero sentimental value

Once you’ve got a full box (small or large, it doesn’t matter – I find that the level of satisfaction is all the same!), put it in the car right away, so that next time you happen to be in the area of a Salvation Army or other thrift store, you can simply drop it off. This way, it’s not an inconvenience at all.

And if your drop-off location happens to be in the same vicinity as a clothing, shoe, or home décor store, all the better! 🙂

I try to do all of these each spring, but trust me, even doing just one of them can give you an incredible boost of mood, energy and motivation so you don’t have to wait for and rely on the next sunny day to get that spring back in your step!

What puts a spring in your step?

I’d love to hear any personal tried-and-true tips and tricks that you have for a spring-time boost! Please share them with us in the comments below.

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Remember: When you shine your gifts, you define your beauty.
