It’s never too early (or too late) to start the conversation – with the kids in your life and with your inner child. Reading this poem (below) to them can be a great way…
Why a ‘Forever Body’ beats a ‘bikini’ or ‘beach’ body, any day Do you feel like when you’re not following a diet’s guidelines, or at least “watching what you eat”, that…
My Body Love Tip this week is for all the perfectionists out there who may be having trouble “letting go” of perfectionist tendencies: Pour your “perfection” into the effort, not…
This week’s Body Love Tip is based on years of personal experience using this one practice for moving forward in my life, especially when faced with challenges and self-doubt: Start Journaling…
This week’s Body Love tip is a great way to cleanse out self-doubt and negative self-talk, and to reconnect with YOU: Try a social media “cleanse”! Several recent studies have been done…
Exciting news! I’ll soon be publishing my Body Love poem “YOU, Beautiful You” as a children’s picture book. And I’m seeking your child(ren)’s talent to create the drawings! When you…
My Body Love Tip this week is a technique that I’ve found to be far more effective than affirmations for countering self-criticism: Become Curious. What do I mean by that??…
…And What our Children Need to Hear NOW. Why is it that true self-acceptance usually only seems to develop as we age? Unlike acquired wisdom, which we gain from knowledge…
Move Over Bikini Body. Meet Your Forever Body!
Say goodbye to diets forever and transform the way you think and feel about your body and your life.